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How to configure an Autoresponder in cPanel

Autoresponders allow you to reply with courtesy messages to all e-mails received in your mailbox. They are extremely useful in case you cannot reply immediately to e-mails or in case you use a specific e-mail address as a support address for your customers and you want to confirm the senders that you got their message.

To add an autoresponder to your mailbox please follow a few steps:

  1. Log-in to your cPanel control panel and, in the "E-mail" section, click on "Autoresponders";

  2.  Click on "Modify/Add Autoresponder";

  3. Fill in the required fields with the following informations to configure the autoresponder correctly:
  • Character set: Character set configuration
  • Interval: Interval to reply to e-mails
  • Email: E-mail account that will send the autoresponder message
  • Domain: Your domain name
  • From: Autoresponder sender
  • Object: Autoresponder content
  • Body: Autoresponder text
  • Start: Immediately or custom
  • Stop: Never or custom

To configure an autoresponder you can use the following tags to add informations to the message you're sending:

%subject% - Object of the autoresponder message
%from% - Sender of the autoresponder message
%email% - Sender e-mail address of the autoresponder message
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