Server Dedicati search

How to choose a Dedicated Server

If you choose a dedicated server is because you need a high-performing machine with a massive computing power. You have to choose your dedicated machine in relation to the kind of activity that is going to be processed.
For example, if you need to manage one or several high-traffic websites you will necessary have to choose a dedicated solution instead of a VPS Cloud or a hosting solution, which are supposed to process different kind of operations.

You can also choose a dedicated server if you need to install a specific hardware, such as a sound card, to manage a voip software.

You have to choose any single component of the server depending on the work is going to be processed. You need to take in consideration the following components:

The "heart" of a dedicated server. It' a very important parameter, even if in the 90% of cases is too powerful for the real server's activity. The power of a CPU is very important in case of CMS hosting and gameserver online.

The amount of RAM has to be balanced according to the amount of data storage. The services usually in need of a great amount of RAM are the ones related to the Databases management.

The amount of space is usually selected according to what is going to be hosted on the server and the operating system you're going to use. The activities requiring a greater space are usually window websites including many images, video or databases full of products.

The bandwidth is the speed to exchange data from/to the internet. For example, high traffic websites or websites providing video and audio streaming require a higher level of  bandwidth to work correctly.

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