Programma di Affiliazione search

How to join our Affiliation program

Keliweb provides you with the possibility to gain money by selling our products in the easiest way ever, joining our affiliation program. Our program guarantees commissions on our services sales (Pay per Sale), to be implemented in our website with links and banners. You just have to share your affiliation link or publish it on your website or blog. Anyone can join our program: there's no need to own a VAT to become an affiliate.

To become a Keliweb affiliate follow a few simple steps:

  1. In footer, click on "Affiliation Program"

    Programma di affiliazione
  2.  As you are in the "Affiliation program" page, click on "Subscribe now"

    Diventa affiliato Keliweb
  3. Enter your e-mail address and choose a password for the registration

    Keliweb affiliati accesso

  4. As you complete the registration process, log-in to your customer area and click on "Affiliation" to activate your affiliate account.

    Attiva nuovo account

You will receive each month automatically a report on:

  • Sales and incomes
  • Diverted incomes
  • Clicks on your banners

You will be provided with a specific percentage for each purchase. You can share an affiliate link in your website which will redirect your users to our home page. Otherwise to redirect your users to our cart to purchase a specific product, you need to use the parameter "pid". You can use affiliate links and banners in your website and blogs (including article marketing and guest blogs) only if you change the contents in each page and if you use rel=”nofollow” attribute on links.

Here are two examples of implementations for banners and text links:

"<a href=”” rel=”nofollow” target=”_blank”><img src=”path/to/banner.png”/></a>"

"<a href=”” rel=”nofollow” target=”_blank”>cloud hosting</a>"

To increase the amount of conversions we suggest you to process the following operations:

  • Position a maximum of two banners for each page, preferably above the fold or below the page or article title
  • Use blogs or portals concerning hosting, cloud technologies, VPS/CDN technologies and IT
  • Do not exaggerate in using affiliate links and banners: it's much more useful to have a few well-positioned links
  • Test different configurations to get the best for your needs
  • Check Google Adsense for further informations.


 We remind you that the affiliate will not receive any income from the sale of products subject to a promotional campaign on our website.

For further information please contact our team sending an e-mail to


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