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How to enable the DEBUG mode in CMS

If you use a CMS sometimes you can detect several errors as a consequence of upgrades, new modules installation, plugins, etc. One of the most popular consequence is a blank page which may occur when, for some reasons, the code detects an error and gets blocked.

In these situations you can enable the Debug mode, which allows you to view all code errors and to solve, in 99% of cases, the problem.

Here is list of the procedures you have to follow to enable the Debug mode in the most popular CMS.

To enable Debug mode in WordPress:

  1. Open the configuration file wp-config.php with a text editor;
  2. Find the directive define('WP_DEBUG', false) and turn "false" into "true";
  3. Save.

To enable  Debug mode in Prestashop:

  1. Open the / configuration file;
  2. Find the string define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false) and turn "false" into "true";
  3. Save changes.

To enable Debug mode in Joomla:

  1. Open configuration.php configuration file;
  2. Find  the strings  public $debug = '0';public $debug_lang = '0' and change from "0" to "1";
  3. Save changes.

If you use Joomla you can also use your admin control panel and set the Debug mode from graphic interface, clicking on "Global configuration", then "System" and finally on "Debug settings".

To enable Debug mode in Drupal:

  1. Open the file sites/default/settings.php;
  2. Add the string $config['system.logging']['error_level'] = 'verbose'.
  3. Save.

In the end, to enable the general debug mode and force the visualization of errors in a PHP file, type the following string at the beginning of the code:

ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

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