When you decide to move your account from a provider to another you have to pay attention to a very important operation: recovering all your e-mails from your old provider's server.
The first step you have to take to migrate your e-mails is configuring your mailbox in your mail client and downloading all your e-mails on your PC. Then you have to create a local directory where to copy all your emails. If you use, for example, Thunderbird, choose the "Local folders" directory and select "New folder". The "New folder" described in this example will be named "Saved".
From "Inbox" select all e-mails, choose "Copy to" and select "Local folder"-> SAVED. The client will automatically copy all emails in the local directory.
Once your domain's transfer has ended, as you update your e-mail account settings, you will find it empty. With the reverse procedure you will be able to copy all your e-mails from the local directory to the mailbox that you've just configured. The procedure is valid both for outgoing and incoming mails and any eventual directories you created with your old provider.
You can also use more professional tools to sync e-mails between two servers, such as ImapSync, for example, available just in case the IMAP service is operating on both servers, Origin and Destination.