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Cloudflare activation

Keliweb's partnership with Cloudflare makes the activation of CDN extremely easy.

To activate the CDN service, log-in to your cPanel control panel and, in the "Software" section, click on the Cloudflare icon.

The system will require to log-in or to create a new account. 

If you don't have a Cloudflare account yet, you can create it by clicking on "Create your free account". Then, type your e-mail address, choose a password and click on "Create account" to complete the operation.

As you log-in, the system will automatically detect all the domains you've configured in your cPanel.

You have two options to activate CDN on your domain:

  1. Provision Domain with CNAME Setup
  2. Provision Domain with Full zone Setup

If you choose the first option, the domain's CNAME will be automatically changed, so that all traffic shall pass through Cloudflare CDN. The propagation will be instant and it will not take any additional operation.

Otherwise, the second option will recommend new Nameservers to replace the existing ones, to manage all DNS records in Cloudflare.


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