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How to enable CDN in WordPress using CDN Enabler

CDN Enabler is one of the most popular and easy WordPress plugin that you can use to link your assets to the CDN, by rewriting the Base_URL variable to the CDN domain. Here will walk you through the process of setting up the CDN Enabler plugin with the CDN.

Before you begin, we highly recommend you test the performance of your website using Google Page Speed or Pingdom Tools. You can test your website now and after setting up the plugin for a before and after performance comparison.

First, log into your WordPress admin dashboard to start the configuration process.

  1. In the menu on the left side, click Plugins and then click the Add New button

  2. On the right side of the screen, use the search feature to search for CDN Enabler
  3. Click Install now. When the installation has completed, the button will transform into an Activate button.

  4. Click the Activate button

  5. Navigate to Settings and select CDN Enabler from dropdown menu

  6. Before you finish configuring, you need to take the Edge Address link (in the yellow box) located in the the CDN Custom Installation section in your customer area
  7. Once you copy the Edge Address, go back to the WordPress CDN Enabler settings page and paste that Edge Address into the field called CDN URL. Please keep in mind that the Edge Address needs to be prefixed with HTTP:// or HTTPS:// protocol.

The CDN should now be integrated into your website. You can confirm this by checking your page source. You'll have to right-click on your web page, then pick Inspect Element, choose Source and search for the Edge Address.

Now you can run a new test after the configuration. Compare the before and after tests and note that it can take one to seven days for your site to reflect the performance improvements of a CDN.

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